<% var offset_class = ""; if (loggedIn == true) { if (favorite) { %> <% } else { %> <% } offset_class = "charger_info_header_content_offset"; } %>
<% if (routeInfo.display > 0) { if (addedToRoute) { %> Remove From Route <% } else { %> Add To Route <% } }%> <% if (access == 3 && typeof(owner) !== 'undefined') { print(owner.first_name); if (owner.last_name != "") { var title = " " + owner.last_name.substr(0,1) + ".";%> <%-title%> <%} } else {%> <%-name%> <% } %>
<% if (typeof(sponsor) != "undefined") { %>
<%} %>
<% if (loggedIn == true || access != 3) { %> <% if (typeof(score) != "undefined") { %>
"><%= score.toFixed(1) %>
<%} %>
<% if (access == 2) { print("Access Restricted - "); } var descriptorCounts = {}; _.each(stations,function(station, index){ _.each(station.outlets,function(outlet, index) { var descriptor = utils.getDescriptorForOutlet(outlet); if (descriptor in descriptorCounts) { descriptorCounts[descriptor] = descriptorCounts[descriptor] + 1; } else { descriptorCounts[descriptor] = 1; } }); }); var output = ""; for (var descriptor in descriptorCounts) { var name = utils.getNameForDescriptor(parseInt(descriptor)); if (descriptorCounts.hasOwnProperty(descriptor) && name != null) { if (descriptorCounts[descriptor] == 1) { output += name; } else { output += descriptorCounts[descriptor] + " " + name + "s"; } output += ", "; } } print(output.substring(0, output.length - 2)); %>
<% if (!embedded) { var shownStations = 0; stations = _.sortBy(stations, function(station){ if (station.available == 1) { return 0; } if (station.available == 2) { return 1; } return 2; }); _.each(stations,function(station, index){ if (typeof(station.network) != "undefined" && shownStations <= 3) { if (shownStations == 0) { %>
<% } else { if (shownStations % 2 == 0) { %>
<% }} shownStations += 1; %>
<% print("
" + station.network.name); if (station.available == 1) { print("Available"); } if (station.available == 2) { print("In Use"); } if (station.available == 3) { print("Offline"); } if (station.available == 4) { print("Under Repair"); } print("
"); var outlets_string = "
"; var outlet_names = [] _.each(station.outlets,function(outlet, index) { var outlet_name = utils.getNameForDescriptor(utils.getDescriptorForOutlet(outlet)); if (outlet_name != null && $.inArray(outlet_name, outlet_names) == -1) { outlet_names.push(outlet_name); } }); _.each(outlet_names,function(name, index) { outlets_string += name; if (index < outlet_names.length - 1) { outlets_string += ", "; } }); print(outlets_string + "
"); %>
<% } }); if (shownStations > 0) { print("
"); } } %>
<% if (custom_ports != "") { %>
Custom Ports
<%- custom_ports %>
<% } %> <% if (address != "" && !(access == 3 && typeof(owner) !== 'undefined' && owner.hide_address)) { %>
<%- address %>
<% } var subsections = []; if (phone != "" && !(access == 3 && typeof(owner) !== 'undefined' && owner.hide_phone)) { var phone_string = ""; if (phone.length == 10) { phone_string = '(' + phone.substr(0,3) + ') ' + phone.substr(3,3) + '-' + phone.substr(6,4); } else { phone_string = phone; } subsections.push({ "title": "Phone", "value": phone_string }); } if (cost) { if (cost_description == "") { subsections.push({ "title": "Cost", "value": 'Cost unknown' }); } else { subsections.push({ "title": "Cost", "value": cost_description }); } } if (payment_enabled) { subsections.push({ "title": "Pay with PlugShare", "value": 'Available on PlugShare for Android and iPhone' }); } else if (pwps_version >= 2 && pwps_version <= 3) { if (pwps_enabled) { subsections.push({ "title": "Pay with PlugShare", "value": 'Pay with PlugShare' }); } else { subsections.push({ "title": "Pay with PlugShare", "value": 'Available on PlugShare for Android and iPhone' }); } } if (hours != "") { subsections.push({ "title": "Hours", "value": hours }); } _.each(subsections,function(section, index){ var margin = 0; if (index != subsections.length - 1) { margin = 20; } %>
<%- section['title'] %>
<% if (section['title'] == "Pay with PlugShare") { %> <%= section['value'] %> <% } else { %> <%- section['value'] %> <% } %>
<% }); if (description != "") { %>
<%= description %>
<% } %> <% if (typeof(photos) != "undefined" && photos.length > 0 && !embedded) { %>
<% var width = photos.length * 76; %>
<% _.each(photos, function(photo, index){ %> <% }); %>
<% } %> <% if (typeof(reviews) != "undefined" && reviews.length > 0) { reviews = _.sortBy(reviews, function(review){ return -1 * new Date(review.created_at).getTime(); }); var last_review = null; for (var i=0;i
Last Check In
<% if (last_review != null) { var review = last_review; var review_icon = null; if (review.rating == 1) { review_icon = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/plugshare.production.assets/assets/positive_review_icon.png"; } if (review.rating == -1) { review_icon = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/plugshare.production.assets/assets/negative_review_icon.png"; } var review_user_name = "PlugSharer"; if (typeof(review.user) != "undefined" && review.user.first_name != '') { review_user_name = review.user.first_name; } %> <% if (review_icon != null) { %> <% } %> <% if (typeof(review.user) != "undefined") { %> <%= review_user_name %> <% } %> <%= moment(review.created_at).format("MMM D, YYYY h:mm A") %> <% } if (!embedded) { %> Show Comments <% } %>
<% } %>
<% if (typeof(reviews) != "undefined" && reviews.length > 0) { %>
Go Back <% _.each(reviews,function(review, index) { var review_icon = null; if (review.rating == 1) { review_icon = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/plugshare.production.assets/assets/positive_review_icon.png"; } if (review.rating == -1) { review_icon = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/plugshare.production.assets/assets/negative_review_icon.png"; } var review_user_name = "PlugSharer"; if (typeof(review.user) != "undefined" && review.user.first_name != '') { review_user_name = review.user.first_name; } %>
<% if (review_icon != null) { %> <% } %> <% if (typeof(review.user) != "undefined") { %> <%= review_user_name %> <% } %> <%= moment(review.created_at).format("MMM D, YYYY h:mm A") %> <% if (review.comment != null && review.comment != "") { %>
<%= review.comment %>
<% } %>
<% }) %>
<% } %> <% } else { %>
You must log in to see home chargers.
<% } %>